Thank you. It has been an honor to serve as YBB’s leader.

Dear beloved Yoga Behind Bars community,

After almost ten years, including six as YBB’s Executive Director, I am stepping down this week. Wow, writing those words makes it feel, well… final. But this is not goodbye. I love this community and this work, and I will remain involved with YBB after I take a few months to be with my baby—I’m due in just a few short weeks.

It’s been quite a journey for me and for YBB, and there are no words to express how deeply grateful I am for everyone I got to work with, learn from, and get to know. My time with YBB has changed me forever. Thank you.

To have the opportunity to work with some of the most dedicated, unstoppable, and kind-hearted people has been such a gift. The YBB staff and board are incredible, every day they inspire me in how they make the impossible possible. Our teachers (both volunteers and incarcerated) are the embodiment of love in action. The generosity of our donors has moved me to tears many times. And our students… They have been some of my most important teachers. I am so grateful for their trust, commitment, and tenacity to keep showing up for class, even when there are so many visible and invisible hurdles, cancellations, interruptions. Thank you.

I know YBB will continue to thrive and grow, because our work has always been a collective effort. Things that were once pipe dreams – offering yoga teacher trainings in prisons, bringing prenatal yoga and postpartum support to incarcerated parents, or transforming our youth curriculum – have only been possible because many people came together and did the work. Thank you.

I’m excited to see what’s next as YBB moves into its second decade. The strength and commitment of our community fill my heart with hope and joy. It has been an immense honor to serve as YBBs leader. Thank you.

with love and gratitude,



We’re Hiring! Looking for a New Co-Trainer


What’s our lineage? Yoga Behind Bars’ approach to yoga