Yoga Beyond Bars
Community yoga and meditation classes, court support, and advocacy work - we’ve expanded beyond bars!
We build communities of belonging beyond bars.
Yoga Beyond Bars is an innovative program designed to help facilitate a more holistic reintegration and healing process for liberated individuals leaving the prison system. This program is grounded in the principles of transformative justice: relationship, respect, responsibility, repair and reintegration. Yoga Beyond Bars works to ease the transition from incarceration to life in the greater community community life by providing bridges of community support, belonging and by empowering individuals to engage in healing and personal growth through embodiment practices.
Welcome home often becomes…what now?
You’re out. It can be wonderful, and it can also be completely overwhelming. Building grounding practices and finding community is key.
We provide…
Yoga and meditation classes
Join us for our monthly community yoga class! We’d love to welcome you.
We also offer bi-weekly classes to women living in the Helen B. Ratcliffe house.
Yoga Bundles
We’d love to give you your first yoga mat. Contact us and we’ll get a bundle to you with everything you need for a regular home practice!
Court Support
We provide information pertinent to individual’s humanity and community support, advocate and speak at proceedings, organize bodies for virtual and in-person attendance, and communication with family members.
2024 Community Class Schedule
January 7
Meditation with Noy
Aditi Yoga, 4pm
February 3
Rest as Reparations with Gabby
Aditi Yoga, 4pm
March 2
Equinox/Finding Balance with Faraji
The Conservatory, 4pm
April 6
Community Pop-Up
May 4
Writing/Movement with Zoe
Yoga on Beacon, 4pm
June 1
Juneteenth Celebration with Faraji
Seward Park, 6pm
July 13
Feel & Release: Yin + Breathwork with Thashawna
Seward Park, 6pm
August 10
Gentle Yoga + Myofascial Release with Cindy
Yoga on Beacon, 6pm
September - TBD
Yoga with Faraji
Location and time tbd
October 5
Grief Song Circle with Niela
Location and time tbd
November 2
Meditation with Noy
Location tbd, 4pm
December 7
Art with Moni
The Conservatory, 4pm
Advocacy towards liberation
Yoga Behind Bars advocacy work includes:
Grassroots and organizational coordinating to be at tables, meetings, and to build authentic relationships with state representatives, legislators, WA St supreme Court justices, Superior Court judges, lawyers, school board, teachers, administrators, and other people in positions of power to hear directly from the people with the most experience of systemic and institutional harm.
Advocacy for liberation aims to bring forth solutions from lived experts and the family, friends, and community most connected to them.
Court Support
Would you like to join us in providing court support? Email zoe@yogabehindbars.org to learn more.

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