What I want to say is…

by Rosa Vissers

*Moment of realness while I probably should be answering more emails*

I am sitting in the Yoga Behind Bars office, and it’s quiet for the first time today…after a very busy morning and afternoon. All my team members have left to do work with our community. And the tears start flowing looking at this picture from our recent Yoga Teacher graduation at WCCW (Washington Corrections Center for Women).

I often wonder how I should use this platform to respectfully and thoughtfully share about the powerful and extraordinary people I have the privilege of working with. And usually I fall short and write nothing at all.

I want to say things about systemic oppression and injustice.
I want to say things about the difference between service work and social change work (both valuable, but not the same, and it’s important to know which is which).
I want to say things about having your heart cracked open.
I want to say things about my team members, volunteers, and board of directors who are brilliant and work so fucking hard.
I want to say things about the women in this picture, and how I can’t wait for them to start teaching for YBB.

More importantly, I want to say things about how much I look forward for when they return to us.
I also want to say that I worry about them, and how hard re-entry is, and unfair.
I want to say things about resilience.
I want to say things about how fatigue, joy, heartbreak, courage can all coexist at the same moment in time.
I want to say things about vulnerability.
I want to say things about love. Not the greeting card kind of love. The messy, fierce, sometimes difficult kind of love.

But most of all I want you to see these women. Really see them.


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