YBB Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

I am generally interested in learning more about YBB, where do I start?
If you are wanting to learn more about us, you might like our online info session. You can also stay connected to our work by following us on Facebook and Instagram.

How do I get involved with YBB?
If you would like to opt into our newsletter and find out about events and other happenings click here, scroll down to the newsletter bar, and fill in your information.

If you love our work and have the means to support us financially, a huge thank you! You can make a one-time donation or join our monthly luminary program – a great way to receive special event invites, discounts on trainings, and help us with long-term sustainability by donating any amount on a monthly basis!

If you live in Washington State and are interested in becoming a volunteer or instructor with us, please check out our upcoming Trauma Informed Yoga trainings (information below).

Other opportunities include board and committee service, and advisor roles as needed. Please contact us for more information about these roles.

When is your next Trauma Informed Yoga training (TIY)?
Information about, and registration for, any upcoming Trauma-Informed Yoga trainings is available here.

I can’t make it to any of your trainings, but I’m interested in learning trauma-informed teaching.
Check out our online training platform: YBB Online! We have our entire trauma-informed training available, as well as stand-alone modules. We even have a module called “How to Start a Prison Yoga Program.”

Alternatively, if you or someone you know would like to host a YBB’s Trauma-Informed Yoga Training in your area, please contact our Program Director, Jess, for more information.

How do I find out if there’s a prison yoga program in my area?
YBB only operates in WA state. To find out if there is a program already in your area, try using your favorite search engine to search the name of your city along with what you’re looking to do (such as “prison yoga”). YBB does not maintain a complete list of these programs, nor are we affiliated with any other programs.

I’m a college or high school student, and I would love even more information for a paper I am writing!
As a small grassroots organization, we often don’t have time to connect with students in a deep way about our work. You can find more about our history, programs, success, students, and philosophies by looking at our AboutImpactHistory & Milestones, and our News pages.

I work for a media outlet and would love to produce a piece about YBB.
Please send us an email. We do not work with media outlets that disclose our students’ crimes to the public without their consent.


Jessamyn Stanley practices yoga with our incarcerated students.


Welcome to the Team, Rita-Louise!